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Integrated project management services for all your translation needs and for all the departments in your company.

Our team is your team.

Imagine having a new department in your company, easing you of all your translation-related burdens: from receiving internal requests to translating documents, formatting them and integrating the feedback in the final project.

Count on us for localization, specialized translations, interpreting, transcription,  document revision and editing (desktop publishing), metadata and subtitling and project management outsourcing.

We really do more than just simple document translation.

Relying on translation technology – CAT tools, project management platforms, machine translation programs – we can help you whenever you need assistance when it come to translating the content of your company. 

Click here for the list of all translation services we can provide to you. To this end, we manage all the resources available in our industry in order to find optimal solutions and to provide comprehensive services for your company.


Throughout your project, we are your translation department, as we have the necessary experience, resources, and solutions to bring added value to your business. We do not need to be on the same floor to collaborate just as effectively as if we were.

Cristina Tohănean

Cristina Bejan
Founding Partner

Jeni Căpruciu
Founding Partner

translation, agency

For more information about our company, you can visit our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.

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