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The revision of a translation is an important part in ensuring the quality of a text. With us, you can have translation, revision and proofreading, therefore, an impeccable text.

Editing or translation revision is the process involving the examination of the text to the purpose of improving it. For instance, in terms of copywriting, of the mode in which it is written, its quality.

The check starts from identifying context and consistency mistakes. Therefore, the role of the reviser is to make sure that the terminology was accurately employed, in keeping with the industry and with other relevant resources.

After examining the text, the reviser provides recommendations regarding the text. The recommendations require subsequent validation by the translator. The revisor may submit recommendations targeting major amendments to the text, having in view the fluency of the text. However, the final decision belongs to the translator, who makes sure that the final text is not altered and that it does not deviate from or change the intended communication.

The editing of documents does not eliminate the need for the final translation check, namely proofreading. As a rule, these are two different and independent activities.

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